
Understanding the Basics of Electrical Burns

There is a common misconception that electrical burns happen only to those who work with electricity. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. A homemaker or child may experience an electrical burn while using a defective in-home appliance. Swimmers can experience an electrical burn from cracked and uninspected lights in public and private swimming pools. Even car crashes and construction sites can lead to electrical burns. What happens to [...]

2017-03-23T09:59:00+00:00March 23, 2017|Appleton Burn Accident Lawyer|

Avoid Electrocutions in Your Home

Electrocutions are relatively common for construction or utility workers, electricians, or on other types of job sites. However, many people may not appreciate the risk of electrocution in their own homes. Home electrocutions can occur for many different reasons, including faulty wiring, defective appliances or power tools, and faulty outlets. Moreover, electrocutions can cause serious injuries to you or your family members. The following steps can be taken to prevent [...]

2015-11-10T07:00:00+00:00November 10, 2015|Electrocution|
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