
Dangerous Intersections and Your Right to Recovery After a Crash

There are many ways and places that drivers can get into an accident, but intersections tend to be one of the most common. In fact, data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that 733, 000 injury crashes and 7, 196 fatalities occurred at intersections in 2008 (the most current year for which data is available). The U.S. Department of Transportation also estimated that around 43 percent of [...]

2017-04-20T08:55:00+00:00April 20, 2017|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics in Wisconsin

Accidents caused by motor vehicles can affect anyone across the country, and the State of Wisconsin is no exception. Auto accidents can leave you without transportation, in economic hardship, and in severe cases, with injuries that require you to pay large medical bills. The worst case scenario can end in death. To many people, automobile crashes seem to happen frequently but are minor. Unfortunately, however, consider the following statistics regarding [...]

2014-07-10T15:28:10+00:00July 10, 2014|Car Accidents|
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