
When You Should Contact a Personal Injury Attorney if You’ve Suffered an Injury in an Accident

If you’ve been injured in an accident through no fault of your own, you may be in a position where it makes sense to contact a personal injury attorney to determine if there are legal options for you to pursue.  However, there are initial steps to take prior to pursuing legal help. First and foremost, your health and safety should be your top priority. You should immediately seek medical attention [...]

Safety Should Come First When Enjoying Boating Activities

As the weather warms up and plans are made for spring and summer activities, enjoying local waterways on a boat is a common pastime. While recreational boating is fun and can make for lasting memories, it is made even better when following basic safety guidelines. In 2021, nearly 5,000 recreational boating accidents occurred according to the U.S. Coast Guard. By following basic safety practices the risk of an accident resulting [...]

2024-08-15T15:37:25+00:00July 19, 2023|Green Bay Boating Accidents Attorney|

Pursuing Compensation for Injuries Caused by Negligent Boat Operation

The summer months are a time to enjoy the outdoors, and the state of Wisconsin provides some great opportunities for spending time in and around the water. The state’s many lakes and rivers offer people the chance to enjoy a wide variety of boating activities. While spending time on boats and participating in activities such as water skiing can be fun and relaxing, people who do so are also at [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:04+00:00July 7, 2021|Green Bay Boating Accidents Attorney|

Can I Recover Compensation for Injuries in a Wisconsin Boat Accident?

During the summer months, many people enjoy boating and other water-related activities on the lakes and rivers throughout the state of Wisconsin. However, these activities carry some degree of risk, and it is important to follow the proper safety procedures. Unfortunately, even when boat operators and passengers do everything they can to stay safe, they may still suffer serious injuries in boating accidents. If injuries occur because of someone else’s [...]

2022-07-29T15:19:56+00:00June 30, 2019|Green Bay Boating Accidents Attorney|

Wisconsin Boating Accidents: Recovering for Injuries Sustained

Wisconsin is home to about 15, 000 lakes and has access to Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and the Mississippi River. Nestled close to Lake Michigan, Green Bay is a prime location to take out a boat on the water during a hot summer day. Although boat owners typically take out their boats during popular holidays such as the 4th of July, Memorial Day, and Labor Day, Wisconsin boat owners have [...]

2014-08-12T10:28:39+00:00August 12, 2014|Green Bay Boating Accidents Attorney|
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