
Drunk Driving Accidents May Increase over Holiday Season

Holidays are known for celebrations and, often, celebrations involve serving alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, many revelers decide to leave a party at a restaurant or a friend's house and drive themselves home. However, driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is extremely dangerous and often leads to serious drunk driving accidents. According to statistics reported by advocacy group Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 290, 000 individuals in the United States sustained [...]

2015-10-27T13:17:05+00:00October 27, 2015|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Fourth of July Celebrations and Serious Injuries

The Fourth of July is one of the most celebrated holidays in the United States. The combination of summer vacations, hot weather, ample sunshine, and patriotic sentiment make for extremely fun and relaxing celebrations. Unfortunately, thousands of people are injured in accidents caused by the negligence of others on this holiday each year. However, when these accidents cause significant economic and noneconomic losses, victims may be able to recover financial [...]

2015-06-09T07:00:10+00:00June 9, 2015|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|

Monitoring Wisconsin's Repeat Drunk Drivers

Wisconsin has the highest rate of drunk driving in the country and an even worse repeat offender problem. More than one-third of convicted drunk drivers in the state are repeat offenders with previous drunk driving convictions. Wisconsin's Drunk Driving Problem With more than 33, 000 drunk driving convictions annually and one-third of Wisconsin drivers admitting to driving under the influence, monitoring repeat offenders has been a focus of the state. [...]

2015-01-14T12:04:42+00:00January 14, 2015|Car Accidents|

What Causes Car Accidents in Wisconsin?

Car accidents occur every day throughout the United States. These wrecks not only result in injuries to countless victims, they also claim many lives. In fact, according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, in 2013 there were 118, 254 total car crashes in Wisconsin alone. Of those accidents, 527 people were killed and 39, 872 people were injured. There are several outside factors—such as unruly weather conditions, unsafe road conditions, [...]

2014-09-24T07:00:48+00:00September 24, 2014|Car Accidents|
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