
Steps to Take Immediately Following a Car Accident in Wisconsin

In the state of Wisconsin, car accidents are much more common than many would assume. According to the Wisconsin State Department of Transportation, approximately 144,212 car accidents occurred statewide, throughout 2018 alone. After being involved in a car accident, it is important to remain calm and composed. Your actions in the immediate aftermath of an accident can impact the safety of yourself, other passengers, and the possibility of securing financial [...]

2022-07-29T15:16:06+00:00August 5, 2020|Car Accidents|

Is Drowsy Driving a Serious Issue in Wisconsin Car Accidents?

When people think of negligence leading to car accidents, they tend to envision drunk drivers or drivers speeding far above the legal limit. In all reality, there are many forms of negligence that can lead to a motor vehicle collision. Drowsy driving has become one of the most serious traffic safety issues here in the United States. If a person drives an automobile when he or she is sleep deprived, [...]

2022-07-29T15:16:10+00:00July 21, 2020|Car Accidents|

Examining Pedestrian Injuries and Fatalities in Wisconsin

Studies show that approximately every seven hours, a pedestrian is injured or killed in a car accident in the state of Wisconsin. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 1,252 car accidents involved pedestrians throughout 2016. While only 49 pedestrians suffered fatal injuries in these collisions, an incredible 1,181 pedestrians suffered injuries that required medical attention. If you or a loved one has suffered a pedestrian injury, it is time [...]

2022-07-29T15:16:13+00:00June 16, 2020|Pedestrian Accidents|

Study Examines Causes and Treatment Options for Chronic Whiplash

Chronic whiplash is a painful and often depressing condition – especially since treatment options are so horribly limited and, in some cases, ineffective. Thankfully, it appears that science may have discovered a new treatment option. Learn more, and discover what options may be available to you after a chronic whiplash injury, such as the option to pursue compensation. Surgical Treatment for Chronic Whiplash Current forms of treatment for chronic whiplash [...]

2017-10-06T09:09:00+00:00October 6, 2017|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Types of Accidents that Can Lead to Traumatic Limb Loss

Losing a limb is an inherently traumatic experience. Whether the limb is severed in an accident or is surgically amputated due to injury or illness, this type of personal injury will invariably result in significant physical and emotional pain and suffering. According to the Amputee Coalition, there are nearly two million people living with limb loss in the United States. In many cases, people who have lost a limb are [...]

2015-09-03T11:10:28+00:00September 3, 2015|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|
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