
March Is Brain Injury Awareness Month

While traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, can happen to anyone at any time of year, the month of March has been highlighted by advocacy organizations such as the Brain Injury Association of America as a time to spotlight this issue. For many, a bump on the head might seem like a minor incident, and even if a person experiences a concussion, this may appear to be a short-term problem. However, [...]

Study is Examining Whether Music Could Improve Quality of Life for Vegetative Brain Injury Victims

Although many traumatic brain injury victims do ultimately recover from their injuries, some suffer from serious and life-long complications. Next to death, diagnosis of a vegetative state is, perhaps, the most devastating of outcomes. Yet, because of music, healthcare professionals and medical experts are starting to wonder if unconsciousness is a spectrum, and the victim’s quality of life can still be improved. Learn more in the following sections, including how [...]

2017-12-11T09:09:00+00:00December 11, 2017|Wisconsin Brain Injury Attorney|

Major and Life-Threatening Injuries Often Sustained During Car Crashes

While many car crash injuries are minor, some may be significant and life-threatening. Thankfully, proper identification of these serious injuries can improve the overall outcome for victims. Learn more about how to distinguish the difference between minor and severe injuries after a crash, and what your right to compensation may be. Injuries to the Head and Neck Some of the most common but serious injuries sustained in car accidents pertain to [...]

2017-05-11T09:48:00+00:00May 11, 2017|Car Accidents|

Study: Concussions During Childhood Can Have Serious and Lasting Effects

Children are often thought of as resilient, but the truth is that, just like adults, children can suffer serious and lasting injuries. In fact, one recent study found that traumatic brain injuries (TBI) experienced during childhood may increase the child’s risk for social and psychological problems during adulthood. Though not likely to occur in all children who suffer a TBI, this risk is significant enough that parents should be aware [...]

2016-09-13T09:18:00+00:00September 13, 2016|Appleton Personal Injury Attorney|
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