
Social Media Privacy Settings Do Not Offer Adequate Protection in a Personal Injury Case

Social media has become an extension of people’s lives, giving them a way to connect and stay in touch with family and friends. Of course, it does have its drawbacks. As an example, consider the negative impact that it can have on the victim of a personal injury case. Photos, posts, and even messages can be used as evidence to deny their claim or reduce their settlement. Changing one’s privacy [...]

2018-03-22T09:55:00+00:00March 22, 2018|Green Bay Personal Injury Attorney|

Cargo and Debris from a Truck Accident Can Cause Injuries to Other Road Users – Who is Liable?

Driving near or behind a semi truck can cause anxiety and trepidation, even for the most seasoned of drivers. The reasons are many, but it all comes down to one thing: they are large and accidents with them can be devastating. The same can be said of accidents involving debris and fallen cargo. What options do victims have when they are injured because of such an incident? The following information [...]

2018-03-20T09:25:00+00:00March 20, 2018|Truck Accidents|

Stem Cell Grafts Improve Grasping Ability in Monkeys with Spinal Injuries

Data indicates that there are approximately 17, 000 new spinal injury cases per year. Though experienced in varying degrees, these injuries typically result in at least some form of paralysis, which is often permanent. Scientists have been working hard to come up with a solution - some using drugs, others specific therapies, and still others who are using surgical interventions. One recent scientific study, which included the grafting of human [...]

2018-03-15T09:29:00+00:00March 15, 2018|Spinal Cord Injuries|

Risk of Traumatic Brian Injury Higher in People with Bipolar Disorder, Study Says

Statistics indicate that some 2.8 million Americans experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Capable of causing everything from death and memory loss to unexplained mood and personality changes, it may be more common in those with bipolar disorder. Learn more about this risk, and discover how a seasoned traumatic brain injury lawyer may be able to help you receive compensation for an accident-related brain injury, even if you do have [...]

2018-03-13T09:20:00+00:00March 13, 2018|Wisconsin Brain Injury Attorney|

Product Recalls and the Risk of Electrocution – What Every Consumer Should Know

Consumers expect that the products they purchase will be safe to use, so long as they follow the warnings and instructions. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Instead, statistics say that some 48 people die of consumer product-related electrocution each year. Learn how you can obtain full and fair compensation if you or your loved one has been killed or injured by a consumer product, and discover how a [...]

2018-03-08T08:17:00+00:00March 8, 2018|Electrocution|

Facial Disfigurement After an Auto Accident – What Are Your Rights?

Facial scarring and disfigurement are some of the most common types of auto accident-related injuries. They can also have a significant physical, financial, and psychological impact on the life of a victim. In fact, some individuals are scarred so bad that they are uncomfortable leaving their own home. Thankfully, injured victims may have options to help them recover from the devastating effects of a facial disfigurement injury. Learn more in [...]

2018-03-06T07:54:00+00:00March 6, 2018|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Amusement Parks and the Injuries They Cause

The United States has more than 400 different amusement parks and attractions - and that is not counting state or county fairs that change location on a regular basis. Generating more than $219 billion per year, one would assume that these places are a fun and safe way to spend time with their families. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth.  Amusement Park Injury Statistics Statistics indicate that there [...]

2018-02-27T09:15:00+00:00February 27, 2018|Green Bay Personal Injury Attorney|

The Most Commonly Sustained Rear-End Accident Injuries

Rear-end collisions account for approximately 28 percent of all crashes in the United States today, and that makes them one of the most commonly experienced accident types. They can also be extremely devastating for the victims, despite often occurring at a low speed. Learn more about the most commonly sustained rear-end accident injuries in the following sections, and discover how a seasoned personal injury lawyer can help increase your chances [...]

2018-02-22T08:37:00+00:00February 22, 2018|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Obtaining Compensation After an Accident with a Drunk Driver

Statistics indicate that three out of 10 drivers in the U.S. will experience a drunk driving accident at some point in their lives. Sadly, these accidents often involve uninsured or unlicensed drivers who have repeatedly driven while intoxicated, so victims may struggle to obtain compensation. Add in the chances of a hit-and-run and the devastating nature of most drunk driving accidents and you have a frustrating and frightening situation for [...]

2018-02-20T09:40:00+00:00February 20, 2018|Drunk Driving Accidents|

Dealing with Mounting Medical Bills While Trying to Recover from an Auto Accident

Of all the issues that auto accident victims face, concern over how they will pay their medical bills will be paid while they await a complete settlement from the negligent driver’s insurance company can be some of the most crippling - and rightly so. In even the best of situations, the bills can far exceed any amount of money that the victim might expect to earn on their own. Thankfully, injured parties may [...]

2018-02-15T09:29:00+00:00February 15, 2018|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|
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