
Traumatic Brain Injuries from Accidents Can Result in Death and Long-Term Disability

While the majority of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are minor, some do result in death or severe injury. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around 30 percent of all injury deaths are the result of trauma to the brain. In all, that amounts to approximately 50, 000 deaths per year, or about 138 deaths per day. Others may experience life-time complications. If you or [...]

2016-11-23T09:06:00+00:00November 23, 2016|Appleton Personal Injury Attorney|

Staying Safe on the Roads This Holiday Season

With the holidays just around the corner, many families are making plans for travel. Of course, that means there are going to be more drivers on the road, which ultimately increases the likelihood of an accident. Intoxicated driving can also come into play, especially on the actual holidays themselves. Keep your family safe on the roads by knowing some basic holiday driving safety tips, and know what to do, should [...]

2016-11-18T09:27:00+00:00November 18, 2016|Car Accidents|

Avoiding Deer-Vehicle Collisions in Wisconsin

Deer breeding season has already begun and hunters will soon take to the woods. Of course, you do not have to be a hunter to actually see a deer this year. In fact, you are much more likely to see these majestic creatures while out and about between now and December. Unfortunately, this also means that your risk for a deer-vehicle collision will increase. Know how to protect yourself with [...]

2016-11-16T09:02:00+00:00November 16, 2016|Car Accidents|

Time to Prepare for Winter Weather Driving

Winter weather is just around that corner, and that means so is winter driving. Be prepared for the snow and ice, and reduce your risk of an automobile accident, by getting your vehicle ready now. The following provides some information on what steps to take, and what you can do, should you still experience an accident in Wisconsin this winter season. Tires and Traction Snow, ice, slush, and remnants of [...]

2016-11-11T09:38:00+00:00November 11, 2016|Green Bay Auto Crash Attorney|

Risk of Rollover Accident Higher for Some Vehicles – What You Should Know

Rollover accidents are among some of the least common types of automobile accidents, occurring in only about three percent of crashes each year. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most devastating types of accidents. They are so dangerous, in fact, that the small three percent of crashes are thought to cause as many as 30 percent of the auto accident deaths per year. The following information explains how you [...]

2016-11-09T09:11:00+00:00November 9, 2016|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|

Snow Plow Accidents Rare but Can Have Severe Consequences

While there is very little data on the rate of snow plow crashes in the United States, incidents appear to be rare. Still, they can have severe consequences for victims. Keep yourself and your family safe on the road this winter with some important safety tips, and know what to do, should you or someone you love experience a snowplow accident. Staying Safe on Winter Roads and Around Snowplows Slick [...]

2016-11-04T09:02:00+00:00November 4, 2016|Appleton Personal Injury Attorney|

Tennessee is Taking a Heavy-Handed Approach to Texting and Driving

The average text takes about five seconds to create and send. If traveling at 55 miles per hour in a vehicle, that means your eyes have been off the road long enough to travel the length of a football field. Of course, since your eyes are not on the road, that is like driving through the field blindfolded. If you imagine an obstacle course on that field, it is not [...]

2016-11-02T09:09:00+00:00November 2, 2016|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|

Tennessee is Taking a Heavy-Handed Approach to Texting and Driving

The average text takes about five seconds to create and send. If traveling at 55 miles per hour in a vehicle, that means your eyes have been off the road long enough to travel the length of a football field. Of course, since your eyes are not on the road, that is like driving through the field blindfolded. If you imagine an obstacle course on that field, it is not [...]

2016-11-02T09:09:00+00:00November 2, 2016|Appleton Car Accident Attorneys|

Vitamin D Supplementation May Help Ease Depression and Fatigue in Spinal Cord Injury Sufferers

When someone suffers from a spinal cord injury, they may spend less time outdoors. This could potentially lead to a vitamin D deficiency, which sometimes results in bone pain and muscle weakness, and has been linked to an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairment. Being that muscle weakness can also be an issue for spinal cord sufferers, one research team tried to see if supplementation of [...]

2016-10-28T09:58:00+00:00October 28, 2016|Green Bay Personal Injury Attorney|

Protecting Yourself from Financial Problems During a Personal Injury Case

Personal injury cases are, by nature, highly complex matters. Some can take time to complete. If you are unable to work because of your injury, have medical bills, intensive therapy, or other financial losses, you and your family could be at risk for financial problems. This may be true, even if you are normally prudent with your monthly bills and finances. Reduce your risk of financial problems during a personal [...]

2016-10-26T09:36:00+00:00October 26, 2016|Green Bay Personal Injury Attorney|
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