
What Are the Long-Term Ramifications of a Burn Injury?

According to statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 1.1 million Americans suffer burn injuries that require serious medical attention each and every year. To put this alarming data into perspective, one person throughout the United States suffers severe burn injuries every 23 minutes. Severe burns can drastically alter a person’s quality of life, by limiting mobility, damaging nerves, and even leading to chronic [...]

2022-07-29T15:16:12+00:00July 13, 2020|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|

How Common Are Serious Burn Injuries?

Every year, thousands of Americans suffer severe burns resulting in serious injuries. A burn injury can impact a person’s ability to work, while resulting in chronic pain and scarring. Burn injuries can be caused by gasoline in the aftermath of a car accident or misuse of hazardous materials at the workplace. Regardless of how these occur, the implications can be tragic. In the event of a burn injury, it is [...]

2019-04-03T15:58:25+00:00April 3, 2019|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|

Examining the Long-Term Prognosis and Outcome for Electrocution Victims

Statistics from the Electrical Safety Foundation International, or ESFI, indicate that there were over 2, 200 non-fatal electrocution injuries in the year 2015. One-quarter of those electrocutions resulted in time away from work for the injured party. While the median time-frame amounted to just 10 days, the data also suggests that a return to work is not always possible. Furthermore, workers may be unable to perform their original duties after [...]

2019-01-08T09:06:00+00:00January 8, 2019|Electrocution|

Wisconsin Burn Injuries – Time Limits and Recovery for Damages

Burn injuries can leave lasting effects on your life, your family, and your finances. There can be physical effects including disfigurement, scarring, tissue, nerve, muscle, and tendon damage. Long-term care and on-going medical treatment can drain family finances and even lead to bankruptcy. Burn injuries can also be emotionally and mentally scarring in the form of pain, suffering, loss of a career, or loss of a spouse. Therefore, it is important to know [...]

2018-06-13T08:13:00+00:00June 13, 2018|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|

Aggressive Infection Control Measures Can Reduce Risk of Morbidity for Burn Injury Victims

The skin is designed to protect the body from viruses, bacteria, and other foreign debris. When a burn occurs, the skin’s ability to protect the body is hindered. Because of this, burn injury victims may experience bacterial or fungal infections while undergoing treatment. Should this occur, their life may be at risk. Discover how an infection could impact the outcome of a burn injury case and learn more about how [...]

2017-10-20T09:40:00+00:00October 20, 2017|Appleton Burn Accident Lawyer|

What Can You Expect from Your Burn Injury Case?

Burn injuries are often caused by preventable and negligent mistakes, such as car accidents or defective products. In such instances, victims may be owed compensation for the injuries and losses they experience. Learn more about the claims process and how an attorney can help protect your rights in a burn injury case. Types of Burn Injuries Despite the common misconception, there are actually several different types of burn injuries, and [...]

2017-08-09T09:37:00+00:00August 9, 2017|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|

Smoke Inhalation – The Other Fatal Fire Injury

When one thinks of fire-related injuries, they typically think of burn injuries. However, burns are not the most common cause of fire-related deaths. Instead, that title goes to smoke inhalation. It is a silent killer that can keep victims from finding their way to an exit, and it can cause asphyxiation that may ultimately result in serious injury or death. Learn more about this fire-related injury, including how to tell [...]

2017-07-17T09:51:00+00:00July 17, 2017|Wrongful Death|

Understanding the Basics of Electrical Burns

There is a common misconception that electrical burns happen only to those who work with electricity. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. A homemaker or child may experience an electrical burn while using a defective in-home appliance. Swimmers can experience an electrical burn from cracked and uninspected lights in public and private swimming pools. Even car crashes and construction sites can lead to electrical burns. What happens to [...]

2017-03-23T09:59:00+00:00March 23, 2017|Appleton Burn Accident Lawyer|

Burn Injuries in Children Can Have Long-Lasting Effects

Burn injuries can be physically, financially, and emotionally devastating for anyone, but children can be at an especially high risk for fatality and long-term complications. Their bodies are smaller, and the recovery can be more traumatizing. Now it is being suggested that children may also experience developmental and educational delays because of their burns. This makes it even more critical for parents to understand their right to pursue compensation. How [...]

2017-02-23T08:07:00+00:00February 23, 2017|Appleton Burn Accident Lawyer|

Burn Injuries: Types, Causes and Treatments

Estimates from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey suggest that approximately 486, 000 Americans receive medical treatment for burns each year. Varied in severity, type, and cause, these injuries can cause permanent or long-term damage to the body's external tissues. In the most severe of cases, burns may result in shock or even death. The following outlines the types, causes, and most common treatments. Causes of Burns Burns injuries [...]

2016-02-11T07:00:00+00:00February 11, 2016|Appleton Burn Injury Lawyers|
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