
Car Accidents

Why the Roads May be Dangerous this Holiday Season

It is fairly well known that car accidents are more common around holidays. People go out and celebrate, often driving long distances to family or friends’ homes they rarely visit. These celebrations often include alcohol, or are tiring family events. If you or your minor child were hurt by a careless driver, getting in touch with a skilled lawyer should be your top priority. Especially on chaotic holidays where traffic [...]

2022-07-29T15:14:28+00:00October 29, 2021|Car Accidents|

Is the Driver in Back Always At Fault in a Rear-End Collision?

In some states, the answer to “Is the rear driver always at fault for an accident? is yes. Wisconsin is not one of those states. Even if your vehicle rear-ended another vehicle, the driver in front can still be found partially or even completely responsible for the car accident depending on the circumstances. If you were hurt in a rear-end collision and feel that another driver was responsible, you should [...]

Seeking Compensation After an RV Accident in Wisconsin

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, recreational vehicle rentals have skyrocketed. Between travel restrictions between states and the temporary closure of many restaurants and attractions, RV travel became appealing to many. Families may see RV travel as a fun (and COVID-safe) way to see the country. Unfortunately, this means a higher risk of RV accidents. RV’s present unique safety concerns that can increase the risk of accidents, or worsen their severity. [...]

2022-07-29T15:14:31+00:00September 12, 2021|Car Accidents|

Why Speeding Can Increase the Risk of Car Accidents

Many forms of driver negligence can lead to car accidents, and violations of traffic laws are often a clear sign that a driver is at fault for a collision. Driving above the speed limit is one of the most common traffic violations, and it is likely to be committed by every driver at some point. While many people do not feel that speeding is a serious violation, it can be [...]

Teen Car Accident Risks Increase During the Summer

The summer months can be dangerous for drivers, especially those who are younger and have less experience. The period of time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is known as the “100 deadliest days of summer” for teen drivers, since during this time, the rate of car accidents increases significantly. AAA reports that there were more than 7,000 fatal car accidents that took place during the summer months between 2010 [...]

How Is Fault Determined in a Multi-Vehicle Pileup?

While some car accident cases are straightforward, it is not always easy to understand who was responsible for a crash. Even in relatively minor collisions, there are a variety of factors that can play a role in determining who was at fault. When multiple vehicles are involved in a crash, understanding who was at fault can be even more complicated. Those who have been injured in multi-vehicle pileups will need [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:07+00:00May 23, 2021|Car Accidents|

What Are the Most Common Causes of T-Bone Collisions?

Of the various different types of car accidents and truck accidents that affect people in the United States, side-impact collisions are among the most dangerous. These accidents are often referred to as “T-bone collisions,” since when one vehicle strikes another vehicle from the side, the vehicles resemble a letter “T.” These types of collisions account for around 25% of all car accident fatalities. T-bone collisions can result in multiple different [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:08+00:00May 16, 2021|Car Accidents|

What Are the Most Common Reasons for Construction Zone Accidents?

There are many different types of dangers that affect drivers and others who use the roads. Construction zones are one issue that can increase the risks of car accidents. When driving in road work areas, drivers will often need to follow unfamiliar traffic patterns, and issues such as narrow lanes, abrupt edges, unexpected traffic stoppages, and construction equipment being operated close to traffic can put them at risk of being [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:08+00:00May 13, 2021|Car Accidents|

What Are the Most Common Causes of Head-On Collisions?

Car accidents can range from relatively minor bumps or scrapes to multi-vehicle pileups. While even minor collisions can result in injuries to drivers or passengers and damage to vehicles or other property, high-speed crashes are more likely to cause serious bodily harm or wrongful death. Head-on collisions are some of the most dangerous types of motor vehicle accidents. Those who have been injured in these types of crashes will want [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:09+00:00April 26, 2021|Car Accidents|

April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

There are many types of driver negligence that can lead to car accidents, but distracted driving is one of the most common, and it is also one of the most deadly. Drivers who take their eyes away from the road or who do not completely pay attention to driving put themselves and others at risk. To address this issue, the National Safety Council is recognizing April as Distracted Driving Awareness [...]

2022-07-29T15:15:10+00:00April 20, 2021|Car Accidents, Distracted Driving|
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